When you look at auto insurance policies in Florida, there are going to be a lot of choices ahead of you. Not every insurance company offers the same level of service, nor do they treat every customer the same. Accident forgiveness is a feature offered in a variety of auto insurance policies, and can be extremely important.


Unfortunately, accidents happen every day. You cannot always drive defensively in order to avoid an accident. People drive through red lights, failed to yield, and speed. They change lanes without signaling and even drive with road rage.

What this means for you is that it impossible to predict when an accident is going to happen. Even if you are one of the best drivers on the road, you can get involved in an accident and it’s someone else’s fault. You may also be at fault for something simply because you didn’t see another car, you forgot to look the other way, or some other reason.

You know that it was an accident, and that doesn’t mean that you should suddenly have to be held liable for a large height in your insurance policy premium. You need accident forgiveness as a way for the insurance company to look the other way and understand that it was simply an accident and that it may not have been avoided.


You want to do everything you can in order to protect the cost of auto insurance in Florida. Some insurance companies will raise your rate the moment you have been involved in an accident, whether it was your fault or not. This makes it difficult to keep your insurance affordable.

If you have accident forgiveness, an insurance company is more likely to look the other way when you have been involved in an accident. It’s your chance to protect your insurance premium, at least until you are involved in another accident. Essentially, insurance companies understand that one accident is truly an accident. You start to get involved in multiple accidents, it may show a pattern, which will cause your insurance to spite.

Insurance companies will look at how much they are spending per accident, the frequency, and use various other factors to determine whether they are going to raise your rates. By choosing a company that offers accident forgiveness, it’s your chance to protect your rate a little more effectively.

Take the time to work with an independent insurance agent so that you can learn more about the various auto insurance policies that are offered throughout Florida. You can discover what insurance companies offer accident forgiveness so that you can choose who you are going to get your policy with.