You want to do all you can do prep your home for hurricane season in Ponte Vedra Beach. While you hope that nothing gets above a tropical storm, you can never be too sure what the weather will bring. There are a few things that you can do to and around your home as a way to prepare. This preparation can save you from experiencing a significant amount of damage – and saving you on your home insurance in the process.
If your home already has storm shutters, you will want to secure them in place once you receive the weather notification. You don’t have storm shutters, it may be a worthwhile investment. Should you decide to purchase them, you will want to let your home insurance company know as it can help you to save money on your homeowners insurance in Ponte Vedra Beach.
Even if you don’t have storm shutters, you can still secure your windows so that you don’t have to worry about debris breaking through the glass. It can be as simple as using scrap wood as a way to board the windows.
Any and all lawn ornaments that you have, in the front yard and backyard, should be brought into the garage or into your home. This includes garden gnomes, kid’s toys, lawn chairs, umbrellas, and anything else that you may have. Essentially, anything that is not secured to the ground should be brought in so that they do not become missiles toward your home.
The wind in South Florida can be significant, and you don’t want to have various items within your lawn blown away or launched at your windows.
It’s a good idea to talk with your neighbors to find out what they are doing to their homes for hurricane season. As a homeowner, you want to be as responsible as possible. Other neighbors may only be renting and therefore may not be as concerned. Remember, what they have in their yards can be blown around because of the wind and come at your home. This means it can be extremely advantageous to remind them to bring everything in so that you don’t experience damaged because of their forgetfulness.
Prepping now can help you to avoid a last-minute rush. If you are new to the area, it’s also important to talk with others in the community to find out what issues they have experienced in the past. For example, you may need to stock up on sandbags to prevent flooding into your home and even have a generator to deal with power outages. A little bit of preparation can go a long way to make sure that you don’t have issues during hurricane season.