Car insurance in Florida is a requirement. Once you have a car, the policy is a must. You might not have thought much about getting a great policy in the past because you simply wanted insurance in place. Now, you want to take a good look at your policy and determine whether it's good enough or not.


One of the first things you want to look at is what the liability limits are on your auto insurance policy. For example, what are the limits for property damage versus bodily injury? Are these the minimum levels for Florida or do they go above and beyond?

Once you can answer these questions, you can then determine whether you want to leave them alone or increase the liability limits so that you have more financial protection in place. Increasing the levels may not increase your premium by much, and could drastically reduce the amount of money that you would be expected to pay out-of-pocket if involved in a major accident.


The state of Florida only requires liability coverage, which means you need to look at whether your policy includes any "additional" coverage. This include such things as collision coverage, comprehensive, uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, and more. Adding this coverage can ensure you are financially protected against more scenarios – and you might be surprised to find out that it won't increase your premium by a large amount per month.

Take the time to review what your options are. If you have been involved in past accidents, it can be advantageous to have more coverage since you have already seen what it can cost out-of-pocket.


Your deductible is also important as it will determine your out-of-pocket expense in the event of an accident. This is generally $500 or $1000, though can vary from policy to policy. You want to make sure that this is a reasonable amount of money and that you have it available so that it can be paid in order for repairs to be made.


Once you have explored liability and other forms of coverage, you should then take a look at the cost of your coverage. The price you pay per month should be a consideration – and by getting quotes from multiple insurance companies in Florida, you might find that there is a more affordable option available.

If you work with an independent insurance agent, they will be able to help you determine whether you have the best auto insurance policy in place or not – and help you to get a better one. They will do a letter to work for you, which means that there will be less you to do. You can be confident that you have a great policy in place, and know that your money is better spent on a monthly basis.