An auto claim is going to be a necessity if anything happens to your automobile throughout the year. This could be a crash, a shattered windshield, or anything else. Calling your insurance company is a must, though there are some steps you will want to familiarize yourself with to simplify the process. The more you know about making a claim, the easier it will be. Plus, you can get the claim moving along faster so you can get the repairs made.


Before you do anything else, it is best to call the insurance company. If you can, do so on the scene. Particularly with an accident, there may be additional details that the insurance company will want to know. If you are on the scene, you will be able to provide this information without any issue. This could include details about the other car, potential property damage, date and time that it happened, the intersection, witnesses, and much more. Don’t be afraid to capture more details than what is actually required.


While you are going to provide a description of what happened, it is also a good idea to follow up with photos. Take a photo of any damage that has taken place, whether it is on your vehicle or another person's vehicle. If you have damaged property, it is best to take photos of these things as well.

It can help the insurance adjuster, and also ensure that you aren't being accused of doing more damage than what you actually caused. For example, if you crashed into the back of someone else's car, take photos of the damage. This way, once the adjuster gets to them, they can see what you caused versus any further damage they may have done. Not everyone is honest, so the photos will help to keep everything as honest as possible.

You don’t have to be a professional photographer. Just take the photos with your phone so that they are available when someone asks if you have any.


An insurance adjuster is going to be assigned to your claim. They may want to come out and physically see the vehicle. Work with them so that it is easier to move your claim along through the process. You will also want to find out where they are at in terms of being able to get your car repaired and handle any other financial aspects. Plus, if they send an email or call you for more information, be sure to prioritize this.

You don't want to deal with any kind of auto claim because it means something has happened to your car. However, knowing how to deal with it and having the right auto insurance policy in place can make a big difference.