No one wants to pay more money than what they need to on a monthly basis. Many people would like to cut out auto insurance premiums in order to save money. However, auto insurance in Florida is required by the state. This means you will need to have at least the minimum level of coverage in place so that you adhere to the various laws.
The state dictates the minimum level of auto insurance that you need. This means you will need to have both liability for personal injury and property damage. Anything else you decide to carry is up to you. This includes going above the minimum levels for liability as well as exploring such things as collision insurance, comprehensive insurance, as well as under insured/underinsured motorist coverage.
The state also requires that you carry proof of insurance with you. In the event that you are pulled over for speeding or any other kind of violation, the officer will ask you for your insurance along with your driver’s license. If you are unable to provide proof of insurance, you will receive a citation, which includes a fine.
In addition to what the state requires, there may be other requirements in place based upon your individual situation.
If you lease a vehicle or you are still making payments on a car, the lender may require that you have additional insurance. The most common forms of required coverage includes comprehensive and collision insurance. The lender will require proof of the insurance, though you have the ability to choose which insurance carrier you get your policy from.
If you have been charged with a DUI, you may also be required to have an SR22 certificate, which is an additional form of auto insurance. This requirement will be lifted after a certain amount of time, which is the stated by the courts.
Understanding all of the auto insurance requirements are important so that you can shop for a policy effectively. Auto insurance in Florida is different from other states because of what the state laws dictate. Further, even though you are told what you have to carry in terms of minimum coverage, you may want to go above and beyond in order to provide additional financial protection to yourself.
By working with an independent insurance agent, you can learn more about the coverage that is required as well as what coverage is suggested based upon what is going on with you. Any recommendations that you receive can help you to build a stronger policy and minimize the amount of out-of-pocket expenses you could incur in the event of being involved in an accident. Even though it may seem expensive, the state requiring auto insurance of you is for your benefit.