When you get home insurance quotes in Florida, it's important to know what to look for. They can all start to look the same – and you don't want to concentrate on price alone. Following a few tips will make it easier to sort out the quote so that you can find the best company and the best policy.


One of the first things you want to look for in a home insurance quote is the actual insurance company. You can’t possibly look at quotes effectively until you get them from multiple companies. It will give you a clearer picture as to what the options are within the marketplace.

Getting quotes is relatively simple, and you can work with an independent insurance agent to assist you with the process. Once you have the quotes, you can then make a more effective decision towards what works best for you, your home, and your budget.


The financial rating for each of the companies needs to be researched. AM Best is a great resource for this, as is your independent insurance agent. When you find companies that don’t have a good financial reputation, cross them off your list of potential carriers. After all, if they are not financially stable, how can you possibly rely on them to pay a claim when you file one?

All of the financials for insurance companies are published online, so all you have to do is look them up. No matter how affordable a policy might be from them, it doesn’t make sense because they may not be able to come through for you when you need them the most.


Your home insurance will always include the basics, like coverage for your home, your belongings, and liabilities. However, you have to look at what ELSE is included. How much of your belongings are covered? Are all aspects of your home included, such as a shed, a swimming pool, or a barn in the back of the property? Are all potential liability issues covered, such as what happens in your home and what your family members do to other homes?

If there are things not inside your policy that need to be addressed, make note of them so that you can be sure they are in there before you sign up for the coverage.


The differentiators can be what makes the difference between choosing one company and another. One company may offer you the ability to review your policy online and file claims online. Another may offer you a higher level of coverage on your belongings. Take the time to look at what the unique value position of each company is so you can determine whether they should stay on your list after you have received the quote from them.

COMPARE PRICES Finally, you should compare prices to see who has the best rates. It’s important to look at all of the other details, first. Otherwise, you’re going to end up with the lowest premium but may not have the best coverage in place – and that can be a dangerous situation to get yourself into.